I’m a philosopher who is passionate about feminist philosophical approaches to bioethics and critical disability studies.
I am a disabled philosopher of disability. My work is anchored in relational feminist Spinozism and engages with disabled knowledges and practices of disability justice. I am currently working on the topic of disability doulas in relation to long COVID.
I am also a scholarly podcaster working on developing a co-creative podcasting research method.
Best Practices for Research Ethics and Accountability in Podcasting
A panel discussion with Dieter Declercq and Ian Sabroe for the Humanities Podcast Network Symposium 2024.
Current employment
Research associate for the Wellcome Anti-ableist Research Culture project at the University of Sheffield. Link to WAARC website
Previous employment
Post-doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. Link to CBSS website
Area of Specialisation
Philosophy of Disability
Ethics and applied ethics, especially bioethics
Relational Autonomy Theory
Feminist Philosophy
History of Philosophy (17th-18th century)
Area of Competence
Continental Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Social Philosophy and Critical Theory
Key Skills
Project Management
Public Outreach
Critical Thinking
Writing & Editing
Trilingual French/English/Italian